Cloud Migration & Virtualization
Transitioning to Cloud Environments Increases Efficiency
aXseum© Utilizes Cloud Migration & Virtualization to Foster Scalability, Enhance Security, Increase Efficiency while Lowering Costs.

At aXseum, we understand the need for flexibility, cost savings and greater efficiency in digital business operations and IT processes. Our expert teams have participated in multiple full-scale cloud migrations and program virtualization allowing greater capability and better tracking. aXseum subject matter experts can create the architecture for maximum scalability and performance and oversee cloud migrations for seamless implementation while maintaining complete data integrity.
Cloud Migration & Virtualization Services
VMWare Implementation and Management
Infrastructure-As-A-Service (IaaS) Assessment and Implementation
Platform-As-A-Service (PaaS) Assessment and Implementation
Software Re-factoring Assessments to Support PaaS Implementation
Cloud Service Provider Collaboration
Multi-Environment (Development, Test, Production) Management
Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS) Expertise
Back-up and Recovery services
Significant Past Performance

aXseum transitions ATIS applications to the TRADOC G6 Azure Cloud.
In 2020, we successfully migrated the Centralized Army Repository (CAR), TRADOC Application Gateway (TAG), My Training Tab (MT2) AKO web portal, Enterprise Scheduling Capability (ESC), STRAP Writing Tool (SWT), Inventory and Distribution Management System (IDMS), and Training Support – Material Army-wide Tracking System (TS-MATS) to the TRADOC Cloud, and we are currently working to transition System Interface Services (SIS) and the Training Development Capability (TDC) to the TRADOC Cloud

aXseum Supports a Cloud-based Service for the Social Security Administration (SSA) Benefit Offset National Demonstration (BOND) Project
aXseum successfully managed the BOND Operations Data System (BODS) for the Benefit Offset National Demonstration (BOND) Study Project and maintained a cloud-based service providing back-up and recovery services.

aXseum Hosts National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Nuclear Smuggling Detection and Deterrence (NSDD) Knowledge Management Website (KMW) on an AWS Cloud-based Environment
aXseum hosted and managed the NNSA Knowledge Management Website (KMW) on an Amazon Web Services platform. aXseum utilized a Drupal framework and implemented changes at the AWS Management Console layer along with the Server layer. aXseum managed Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Relational Database Services (RDS) and Elastic Container Registry (ECR).